The 3-Phil Therapy

    What is the 3-Phil therapy for spine treatment?

    • Phil-Geo (必祛)

      Inflammation in spines or joints must be removed through adequate treatments such as herbal medicine, medicinal acupuncture, or acupuncture therapies.

    • Phil-Jeong (必正)

      The disintegrated balance in our bodily axis must be straightened through chuna manual therapy, manual therapy, or jaw treatments.

    • Phil-Gang (必强)

      Weakened muscles and tendons must be strengthened through herbal medicine, reinforced manual therapy, or core muscle stretch therapies.

    • Phil-Geo必祛

    • Phil-Jeong必正

    • Phil-Gang必强

    About the 3-Phil Therapy

    The 3-Phil therapy is a scientific treatment for spine disorders, based on Phil Hospital for Korean Medicine's clinical experiences and researches. By achieving the three ‘Phil’ goals of Phil-Geo, Phil-Jeong, and Phil-Gang, the therapy ultimately aims to recover and maintain a healthy status for the patients’ spines.


    Phil-Geo Treatments

    Phil-Geo (必祛 : Phil ‘must’, Geo ‘to remove’): The Phil-Geo treatment is a stage in which inflammation caused in spinal joints are treated and removed through herbal medicine, medicinal acupuncture, and acupunctural therapies. Through herbal medicine intakes and medicinal acupuncture, a therapy in which herbal medicine is directly injected into the painful parts, the inflammation and edema in the nerves are treated to relieve pain. The treatment also strengthens tendons and core muscles, so that the degenerative process of the disease is delayed as possible. In particular, the medicinal acupuncture treatment takes quick effect even with small dosages, and patients who cannot take herbal medicine due to indigestion can also be treated without difficulties. Acupuncture relaxes the muscles in the treated area, helping the blood circulation go smoother. This is also helpful in strengthening the body's immune system, which further increases the effect of spine treatment.

    Phil-Jeong Treatments

    Phil-Jeong (必正 : Phil ‘must’, Jeong ‘to correct’): The Phil-Jeong tretament is a stage in which the disintegrated bodily balance in our core axis is straightened and corrected through chuna manual therapy, daoyin exercise, manual therapy, and jaw treatments. The chuna manual treatment relaxes the muscles and tendons to lower the possibility of the disease's degenerative process, easing pain and preventing relapses. It also ‘opens up’ the joints fixed in the cervical vertebrae to let the bones and muscles return to their original places, and to hold the bones tight in their positions by recovering muscles and tendons. The manual therapy relaxes stiff muscles to relieve tension, improving the patients’ flexibility and joint movements, and strengthening core muscles for better mobility, so that the patients can return quickly to their daily routines with minimum aftereffects.

    Phil-Gang Treatments

    Phil-Gang (必强 : Phil ‘must’, Gang ‘to strengthen’): The Phil-Gang treatment is a stage in which weakened muscles and tendons are strengthened through reinforced manual therapy and core muscle stretch therapies. The joints’ movements and mobility are further improved through reinforced manual therapy, and core muscles are also strengthened for better bodily(body) posture. Core muscle stretches are also enforced. The core muscles support the spine to maintain upright posture and protect the internal organs, which makes them one of the most important muscle parts in our bodies. Hospital director Yoon Je-Phil has published <The Miracles of Core Muscle Stretching >, a book that focuses on pain-relieving stretches based on various pain types and causes of symptoms. According to the book's manual, the core muscles deep in our abdominal regions are strengthened and trained in the therapy. This provides fundamental treatment to pain related to spine, waist, or pelvis, which helps maintain good posture and prevents further pain from relapsing.