TMJ Disorders

    TMJ Disorders

    My jaw sounds whenever I open my mouth.

    The temporomandibular joint(TMJ) is a joint that connects the lower jawbone with the temporal bone. TMJ disorders refer to the situation in which there are disorders in these joints. Patients with TMJ disorders experience snapping sounds when opening their mouths, or often find difficulties in opening them. Sometimes there are neckaches or headaches, and when the symptoms get worse it may lead to facial asymmetry.


    • Habit of chewing food in only one side, or clenching one’s teeth

    • Habit of gritting teeth, or sleeping face-down

    • External shock, such as traffic accidents

    • Chronic fatigue, stress, tension, anxiety


    • Difficulties in opening or closing one’s mouth
    • Snapping sounds when opening one’s mouth
    • Facial asymmetry, and different jaw shapes
    • Headache, or pain in the neck or shoulder area
    • Chronic fatigue, dizziness, or ringing in the ears


    • Damaged muscles or tendons: The location and the jawbone is okay, but the muscles and tendons that move the jaw joints are damaged.

    • Dislocated TMJ discs: The TMJ discs are dislocated to push forwards from the original location.

    • Arthritis(bone joint deformation): The jaw muscles and tendons are damaged, along with arthritis in the TMJ. The patient may need surgery depending on the situation.


    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Chuna Manual Therapy

    The muscles and spine supporting the TMJ is straightened. This not only relieves the symptoms, but also prevents the TMJ disorders from relapsing.

    Standard TMJ Orthodontic Device

    Standard TMJ Orthodontic Device

    The device relieves stress on masticator muscles and nearby muscles, adjusting the jaw into its original position. By reducing the overload that the TMJ is experiencing, various symptoms including headaches or pain around the neck muscles can be alleviated.



    Acupuncture relaxes the muscles in the treated area, helping the meridian (Hyul) and the chi (Ki) circulate better. It is also effective in strengthening the immune system and reducing pain.

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    A treatment in which refined, extracted herbal medicine is directly injected into the painful area. Medicinal acupuncture takes quick effect even with small dosages. It is also helpful for patients who cannot take herbal medicine due to indigestion.

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee venom is extracted and refined to be injected through acupuncture. The venom reduces the inflammatory reactions and pain.

    Manual Therapy

    Manual Therapy

    Physical therapists manually treat to relax the stiff muscles supporting the TMJ. By relaxing the muscles, the treatment can relieve symptoms and prevent the disorders from relapsing.