Degenerative Herniated Disc Disorders

    Degenerative Herniated Disc Disorders

    My back hurts whenever I stand up from seated position.

    Degenerative herniated disc disorders refer to the symptoms in which disc nucleus between spinal bones degenerate, causing the disc to lose its shock absorption abilities which leads to various painful symptoms. It can occur in any part of the spinal area, and the main cause for the disease is spine aging. Recurring external pressure or shock can also be another cause.


    • Degenerative spinal disc or lipping due to aging

    • Habit of maintaining a bad posture for a long time

    • Insufficient hormones or bodily fluids

    • Lack of exercise or bent spine

    • Smoking, drinking, or overwhelming stress


    • Back pain when standing up from sitting position
    • Back pain when walking or sitting down for a long time
    • Aching pain in the hip area, or numbness in legs
    • Back pain or hip pain along with numb legs
    • Heavy back pain in the morning, which soothes down when walking


    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Helps the bones return to their original places, relaxing the nearby muscles. It is a treatment that alleviates pressure on the spinal discs, helping the meridian (Hyul) and the chi (Ki) circulate better.

    Manual Therapy

    Manual Therapy

    Physical therapists manually treat to relax the stiff back and waist muscles. It is effective in reducing pain from the disease, by relaxing the tension around the waist area.



    Acupuncture relaxes the muscles in the treated area, helping the meridian (Hyul) and the chi (Ki) circulate better. It is also effective in strengthening the immune system and reducing pain. When acupuncture is treated in acupoints that help degenerative herniated disc disorders, it may help alleviate the pain.

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    A treatment in which refined, extracted herbal medicine is directly injected into the painful area. It reduces pain from the disease while improving disc functions. It is also helpful for patients who cannot take herbal medicine due to indigestion.

    Herbal Medicine

    Herbal Medicine

    A treatment that can reduce pain by soothing the nerves’ inflammation and edema. It strengthens muscles and tendons while slowing down the degenerative process.

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee venom is extracted and refined to be injected through acupuncture. The bee venom reduces the inflammatory reactions and pain.