Turtle Neck Syndrome

    Turtle Neck Syndrome

    My neck is stiff, and I have a headache.

    The neck bone is naturally curved in a C-form, but in cases in which the neck bone is straight is called the turtle neck syndrome, also referred to as the text neck. Straight neck bone lacks the ability to cushion exterior shock, and the weight is focused on certain parts of the neck, which may lead to degenerative disorders or cervical herniated disc.


    • Leaning the chin forwards when looking at computer monitors

    • Lowering down the head while reading or working on desks

    • Using pillows too high for the head

    • Bad posture that twists the neck

    • External shock, such as traffic accidents


    • Stiff back neck or pain in the shoulders
    • Headaches or dizziness
    • Easily tiring eyes, or numb hands


    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Chuna Manual Therapy

    The treatment ‘opens up’ the fixed joints in the cervical vertebrae, relaxing the nearby muscles. It is a therapy that helps the bones and tissues return to their original positions. The neck bone is treated to return to its original C-curve. The symptoms are alleviated through relaxing the stiff muscles and tendons.

    Manual Therapy

    Manual Therapy

    Physical therapists manually treat to relax the stiff muscles around the straight neck, relieving stress around the nearby area. Along with the chuna manual therapy, the treatment returns and maintains the original C-curve.



    Acupuncture relaxes the muscles in the treated area, helping the meridian (Hyul) and the chi (Ki) circulate better. It is also effective in strengthening the immune system and reducing pain.



    A treatment in which refined, extracted herbal medicine is directly injected into the acupoints of painful area. Medicinal acupuncture takes quick effect even with small dosages. It is also helpful for patients who cannot take herbal medicine due to indigestion.

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee venom is extracted and refined to be injected through acupuncture. The venom reduces the inflammatory reactions and pain.