Western Medicine Immune Cancer Treatments

    Lymph Massages Manual Therapy

    Most cancer patients experience symptoms of peripheral nerves disorders as side effects from anti-cancer treatments, and manual therapies can play a great role in alleviating these symptoms. Manual treatment is an extensive therapy that can be applied to not only to spinal or joint disorders, but also to geriatric disorders and cancer patients.

    • Reducing side effects of anti-cancer treatments, including cancer pain, chronic fatigue, lymphedema, and numb arms and legs
    • Better blood circulation by relaxing contracted muscles
    • Maximizing the effects of integrated immune cancer treatment
    • Maximizing the effects of anti-cancer treatments by alleviating fatigue

    Supplementary Therapies

    • BiophotonStrengthened immune system, increased metabolism from revitalized cells
    • Foot bathsFatigue relief, better blood circulation for the body, increased body functions
    • Seated fumigation therapyBetter blood circulation, sterilization and anti-inflammatory effects, treating female diseases
    • AromatherapyAntibacterial, sterilizing effects, provides emotional stability
    • Diet therapyMinimizing side-effects for anti-cancer treatments, increased resistance against cancer