Growth disorder

    Growth Therapy, to Help Healthier Growth

    Adequate managing is as important as genetic factors.

    As being tall is considered one's competitive feature, researches show that the overall society prefers taller people to shorter people. Because of this, the interest in height and growth is also growing. Many people believe that a child’s height is determined by how tall the parents are. However, height is not determined by a single factor. A person's height is usually affected by 25% genetic factors, 31% nutritional balance, 20% exercise, and 24% of other factors. Therefore, it is important to correct any bad lifestyle habits and to treat imbalanced body shapes in an early stage, in order for the child’s healthy growth.


    • Genetic or constitutional factors

    • Malnutrition or diseases

    • Pelvic imbalance, scoliosis, straight neck progressing to hinder growth

    • Lack of exercise leading to less growth in muscles or tendons, or imbalance in body shapes

    • Bad lifestyle habits, overusing computers or smartphones


    • 10cm or shorter compared to peers
    • Growing less than 5cm per year in their growing stage
    • When secondary sexual characteristics begin to develop when the child is in the elementary school's lower grades, or when the child is diagnosed with older bone ages in their adolescent stages
    • Other cases with growth disorders that hinder a child’s growth (including digestive, respiratory, or skin disorders)


    As there are many diverse causes that determines a child’s height or hinder their growth, accurately diagnosing the cause is the most important part. Upon visiting the hospital, basic questionnaires are filled out with consultation, and then basic physical check-up is carried out to check the overall health conditions. Then, an x-ray scan is done to check the status of epiphyseal plates, imbalance in spines, and blood check along with further consultation is done to check the sleep cycle. In Phil Hospital for Korean Medicine, specialists in Rehabilitation Korean Medicine, Acupuncture, and Pediatrics work together for systematic treatment for our children’s healthy growth.

    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Chuna Manual Therapy

    The imbalanced bones and muscles are adjusted into place, recovering the spinal joint structure.



    Growth-dan, a herbal pill to promote the meridian (Hyul) and the chi(Ki) circulation and the generation of growth hormone, is prescribed.



    Acupuncture is applied to stimulate the growth points and to promote better the meridian (Hyul) and the chi(Ki) circulation.

    Manual Therapy

    Manual Therapy

    Through manual therapy, the muscles and tendons are further strengthened to draw out the possible height.