Verification Forms

    Issuing verification forms

    • All medical certificates or forms are to be issued after treatment. .

    • If patients want to be issued any medical verification forms, they will have to provide information on their purposes.

    • Under related regulations, all forms should be issued after the patient's identity check, and in case that patient themselves cannot visit the hospital, their commission and related forms are required.

    Required forms when issuing medical verification forms

    When patients visit themselves to access or issue a copy

    Type Required forms
    Patient themselves ID card

    When other person visits with the patient's commission to access or issue a copy of the record

    Article 13-2 of the Enforcement Rules of Medical Law

    Type Required forms
    Spouse, lineal family members, or descendants
    Or the spouse’s lineal family members or descendants
    Visiting person’s ID
    (Resident Registration Card, passport, driver’s license, etc.)
    Document to confirm relatives, such as proof of family relations or resident registration form
    Patient's ID
    (Except when the patient is under 17 and does not have an ID)
    Agreement signed by the patient
    (Except when the patient is children under 14)
    The patient’s designated representative Visiting person’s ID
    (Resident Registration Card, passport, driver’s license, etc.)
    Agreement signed by the patient, along with commission form
    (In case when the patient is children under 14, forms have to be Filled out by their legal representatives and should be prepared with forms to identify the legal representative’s position,
    such as document to confirm relatives)
    Patient's ID
    (Except when the patient is under 17 and does not have an ID)

    When other person visits with the patient's commission to access or issue a copy of the record

    Related to Article 13-2 (3) of the Enforcement Rules of Medical Law

    Type Required forms
    If the patient has passed away ID of the person who is requesting for access or issuing of the record copy
    Document to confirm relatives, such as proof of family relations or resident registration form
    Document to confirm the death of the patient, such as proof of family relations, expulsion records, or death certificates
    If the patient is unconscious,
    or is unable to make
    Signature due to severe disease or injury
    ID of the person who is requesting for access or issuing of the record copy
    Document to confirm relatives, such as proof of family relations or resident registration form
    Medical document to confirm that the patient is unable to sign due to unconsciousness or severe disease/injury
    If the patient is missing ID of the person who is requesting for access or issuing of the record copy
    Document to confirm relatives, such as proof of family relations or resident registration form
    Document to confirm the missing of the patient, such as proof of family relations, or the court’s statement or missing report
    If the patient is devoid of mental capacity ID of the person who is requesting for access or issuing of the record copy
    Document to confirm relatives, such as proof of family relations or resident registration form
    Court’s declaration of incompetency copy, or a psychiatrist's note to confirm that the patient is devoid of mental capacity