Integrated Immune Cancer Treatment

    Immune system

    is the first step
    to prevent all diseases.

    Our bodies’ immune cells play a critical role in defensing against viruses and eliminating them. To live a healthy life, building a strong immune system that can resist cancer cells and viruses is the most important thing.

    Korea's cancer incidence

    The cancer incidence for Koreans is very high with one out of three people (if alive until the life expectancy of 83 years old), but the five-year survival rate for both male and female has dramatically increased from 41.2% in the mid-1990s, to 70.4% in 2017.
    This means that even though we have high cancer incidence, the probability for full recovery or survival is also high with adequate treatment and care.

    Five-year survival rate by gender (national cancer information center)

    Phil Hospital of Korean Medicine

    Provides immune cancer treatment through integrated immune system between Korean and Western medicine. Our bodily immune system is enhanced and reinforced, suppressing the increase and metastasis of cancer cells, preventing relapse, and resolving the fundamental cause of cancer. The treatment also reduces side-effects and pain caused by tumor removals, chemotherapy, or anticancer drugs. Ultimately, it focuses on recovering health and energy, improving the patients’ quality of life.

    • Feel the difference in Phil

    • Intensive Anti-Cancer Care

      The immune system is the most basic defense for our bodies. Through its integrated immune cancer clinic for enhancing immunity and cancer pain reduction, Phil Hospital of Korean Medicine aims to improve the quality of life.

    • 1:1 Personalized Treatment for the Patients

      Depending on the patient’s disease, the immune treatment methods and goals of anti-cancer treatments can vary. After sufficient consultation, Phil Hospital of Korean Medicine provides 1:1 personalized treatment fit for each patient’s cancer progress and immune system.

    • Integrated Treatment between Korean-Western Medicine

      Only the best parts of traditional and Western medicine combined. Phil Hospital of Korean Medicine creates the best synergy by integrating Korean medicine, a traditional treatment best for our bodies, and Western medicine, a treatment to supplement.

    • Specialized Immune Diet

      In order to raise the patients’ spirits, Phil Hospital of Korean Medicine provides the best meals. Through nutritionally balanced diet, Phil focuses on enhancing the patients’ immune system.

    • Female-only Ward

      Phil Hospital of Korean Medicine provides a separate, female-only ward so that female patients can focus on their treatments in a pleasant, comfortable condition.

    Expected effects of integrated immune cancer treatment at Phil Hospital of Korean Medicine
    • Suppressing tumors from increasing, preventing metastasis or relapse
    • Reducing pain from chemotherapy and anti-cancer treatments
    • Reducing mental, physical stress from anti-cancer treatments
    • Enhancing and rebuilding autoimmunity
    • Improving appetite and recovering energy
    • Better quality of life
    Patients who need integrated
    immune cancer treatment
    • Patients who need to enhance immunity
    • Patients who need rehabilitation after surgery
    • Patients who suffer from postpartum stroke, shingles, or facial nerve palsy
    • Patients who suffer from climacteric syndrome or stress
    Patients who need immune
    cancer treatment
    • Patients who need to reduce severe pain from cancer
    • Patients who need intense immunity care before or after anti-cancer treatments
    • Patients who are worried about relapse or metastasis after cancer treatment