Sports Injury

    Sports Injury

    I got hurt while working out.

    Excessive exercises may lead to possible injuries. Sports that apply strong force to the muscles and bones, such as soccer, or sports with wide motion radius, such as golf, have even higher possibilities of getting injured. Typical sports injuries include sprains in waist, knees, or ankles, ligament injury, bursitis, and cartilage injury.


    • Using inappropriate equipment, or lack of skills

    • Poor protective gears or warm-ups

    • Innately deformed bone shapes, such as flat feet

    • Weak or imbalanced muscles


    • Damaged tendons, which connect bones to muscles (sprains)
    • Severe pain that cause difficulties in moving shoulders (rotator cuff damage)
    • Inflammation caused in the sole’s lamella (plantar fasciitis)
    • Inflammation caused in the knees and shoulders’ bursas (bursitis)
    • Difficulties in using elbows due to inflammation (tennis/golf elbow)


    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Customized chuna manual therapy is applied, depending on the inspection results. By straightening the joints, the therapy helps relieve the pain while recovering the bodily functions. It can also relieve eohyul by improving the meridian (Hyul) and the chi (Ki) circulation.



    Cold gas(Co2) is sprayed in the injured area, contracting and relaxing the blood vessels to reduce inflammation, pain, and edema to maximize the treating effect.

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    The medicine is directly injected in the acupoints of painful area to maximize the treating effect. It is effective in regenerating the damaged cartilage, and reducing inflammation.

    Herbal Medicine

    Herbal Medicine

    Herbal medicine is effective in protecting the damaged cartilage and regenerating bones. It also prevents joint tissues from being damaged, and slows down the disease's progress. The medicine is also helpful in reinforcing tendons or muscles.

    Bee Venom Therapy

    Bee Venom Therapy

    The bee venom is effective in alleviating the inflammatory reactions and pain caused by the disease. Bee venom is extracted and refined to be injected through acupuncture.

    Manual Therapy

    Manual Therapy

    Physical therapists manually treat to relax the stiff muscles. The pain from the sports injury can be reduced, preventing further relapses.