Cervical Herniated Disc

    Cervical Herniated Disc

    My back neck feels heavy and my arms are numb.

    Cervical herniated disc is a disease in which cervical discs are herniated from the cervical vertebrae, pressing the spinal nerves and causing pain. The disease used to occur from patients in their 40s or 50s, but recently there are younger patients in their 20s or 30s, due to increased computer uses.


    • Forward head posture caused from computer or smartphone uses

    • Out of balance body, caused from lifting up objects only by one side

    • Overexercising that causes pressure on the neck area

    • Bad pillow use that causes pressure on the neck and shoulder area overnight

    • Sitting in a bad posture


    • Numbness and pain in one or both arms
    • Congestion in shoulders lasting for a long time
    • Continuous headache, heavy or numb back neck
    • Dropping objects unconsciously while holding them
    • Abnormal feelings in hands, such as more sensitive or numb senses
    • Difficulties in raising up arms, even though there is no significant pain


    Chuna Manual Therapy

    Chuna Manual Therapy

    The treatment ‘opens up’ the fixed joints in the cervical vertebrae, relaxing the nearby muscles. It is a therapy that helps the bones and tissues return to their original positions. It also relaxes the swollen, stiff muscles and tendons around the cervical discs.

    Extension Therapy

    Extension Therapy

    The pressure on spinal discs is alleviated through using suspension devices, pulling and relaxing the spinal joints in regular intensity and pressure. It is effective in treating cervical disc disorders or stenosis.



    Acupuncture relaxes the muscles in the treated area, helping the meridian (Hyul) and the chi (Ki) circulate better. It is also effective in strengthening the immune system and reducing pain.

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    Medicinal Acupuncture

    A treatment in which refined, extracted herbal medicine is directly injected into the painful area. Medicinal acupuncture takes quick effect even with small dosages. It is also helpful for patients who cannot take herbal medicine due to indigestion.

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee Venom Acupuncture

    Bee venom is extracted and refined to be injected through acupuncture. The venom reduces the inflammatory reactions and pain.

    Herbal Medicine

    Herbal Medicine

    A treatment that can reduce pain by soothing the nerves’ inflammation and edema. It also delays the degenerative process to prevent the symptoms from becoming worse.

    Manual Therapy

    Manual Therapy

    Physical therapists manually treat to relax the stiff muscles around the cervical discs, relieving stress around the nearby area.